The Mystic Valley YMCA is excited to bring back our Inspiration Celebration event on May 18th at Rivers Edge in Medford! The event is a business/business casual cocktail party with heavy appetizers, wine and beer, and an awards ceremony. The 2023 Inspiration Celebration will raise much-needed funds for us maintain our impact with our community serving programs, as well as honor the individuals and organizations that help make our work possible. Tickets are now on sale, sponsorship opportunities are available, and you can make a Tribute Donation in honor of one or more of our award winners along with your ticket purchase. Digital tribute ads will be displayed at the event. Please contact Lindsay Smythe with any questions at Lsmythe@mv-ymca.org .
2023 Inspiration Award Winners:
- Healthy Living: The Greater Boston Food Bank
- Social Responsibility: Eliot Family Resource Center
- Youth Development: Tufts University
- Y Champion: State Representative Christine Barber
- Y Champion: Walnut Street Center
- Lifetime Service Award: Dr. Deborah Wayne